Role Of Chat GPT In Digital Marketing Industry
Another evaluation in Digital Industry is Chat GPT. Lets understand the importance of chat GPT in Digital Marketing industry. It’s a very simple AI tool. You just have to ask a question in the given dashboard then you will get an specific and relevant answer. Your answer specification would be depend on the way you ask a question to the Chat GPT. In short Chat GPT has discovered new way of searching for the user. But in this you have to understand that Chat GPT is only a AI content generation tool.
Is Chat GPT is a Compitition to Google?
There are plenty of rumours around the market that Chat GPT is a strong competitor to Google. But in this case you have to understand the algorithms of Google and Chat GPT. These two search engines are completely different from each other and search intent of user will always matters.
In simple words Chat GPT is not a competition to Google. Google is far more useful than Chat GPT till date. Chat GPT is also great platform. If Chat GPT keep updating itself the it can be a tough competition to Google. Chat GPT basically works in conversational way. We can say that Chat GPT is completely different model than Google.
As I mentioned earlier, “In future Chat GPT can be a competition to Google!” Google has already started working on the counter section of this. Google is introducing “Google BARD”. Google hasnt revealed much information about this. It is must be same like chat GPT platform or much better that Chat GPT. For this we have to wait couple of weeks more.
Why We Can't Use Chat GPT for SEO?
With certain benefits like easy content generation and conversational tool there are some limitations for Chat GPT. Thats why we cant use this tool for SEO Purpose. Lets understand some of the limitations of Chat GPT:
- Accuracy Of Data: The data provided by Chat GPT is not as accurate as google provide. This is the main drawback of this tool. No one would like to publish wrong data on their digital platforms.
- AI Generated Content: The content which is generated by Chat GPT or any other tool like Yamak.ai is considered AI-generated content. Google bots can easily identify the AI Generated content and down grade your website. AI generated content is not good from SEO perspective.
- Limited Data Accessibility: Chat GPT has limited access to the web data. As per Chat GPT website they have very limited data information after 2021. Completely updated data after 2021 is not accessible to Chat GPT. That is creating huge difference in data accumulation
- Wrong Instruction: Due to limited data access Chat GPT may occasinally give you wrong instructions to the users. Chat GPT has its own algorithm to work on. So first we have analyze the behaviour of the same then we can come to the conclusion.
- User Intent: For every search engine users intent always considered as important factor. The user’s intent must be too much specific too the query. Your results will be completely depend on how specifically you are searching.
Usefullness of Chat GPT:
Chat GPT is AI content generation tool. The content generated by Chat GPT can be used in Social Media Marketing like captions, description etc. In SEO while doing offpage activities you can create content through chat GPT and execute offpage activities easily. Every digital marketer can save plenty of time by using chat GPT properly.
Chat GPT is not only available in the English laguage but also supports Hindi, Gujrati, Harayanvi etc.
Want to explore the tool for content generation of your business. Click here to know more: https://chat.openai.com/chat