Importance of Website for any business
Are you a Business Owner? or willing start your own business? Then you should know the importance of website for your business. No matter what kind of business that you are having. Every business should have their own website. In this digital era there are plenty of people neither having website nor online presence. These people are losing tonnes of client relevant to their industry. Digital Mogli LLP is one of the best website development company in Pune.
The only solution for this problem is make a online presence of your business with the help of website. A website can generate business, promote your product and services among customers and prospects, and deliver strong marketing messages. Number of internet users is increasing rapidly and the chances of your business getting searched is also increasing so, hurry up!
Let me give you an amazing example of Mr. Jeff Bezos, I think everyone knows this man, he is the richest person on the planet. He has riched at this position just because of his vision, market analysis and patience. You wont believe only 70% Indian people knows that he is owner of amazon.com. Its just a E-commerce website and Jeff Bezos is earning in billions and trillion. If this person is having a website for his business then why you won’t? Just think about that.
Read This Blog: Why to invest in E-Commerce website
Tips while buying your Domain for website
- Domain name should reflect your business
- Easy to type and remember
- Prefer shorter domain name
- Prefer .com if possible
- Avoid numbers in domain name
- Check social presence of domain name
Tips while buying Hosting for website
- Should have well reputed history
- Check the bandwidth and disc space terms
- Compare fees, services and features with others
- Web hosting should accommodate changes and additions easily
- Confirm that Web hosting company offers website creation and website software
- Avoid long term contracts unless you trust them
Develope Your Website with Digital Mogli
Within 5 seconds visitors should understand that this website is relates to which business, your website must communicate with visitors as you do. We takes care of all that factors with UI/ UX design, we assures that website is user friendly and visitors can easily navigate to all the website pages.
What Digital Mogli Does that Other Agencies Won't?
- Planning: After Google Core Update May 2022 sevearl things are changed in algorithm. Your website should replicate your business easily, because its entry ticket for your business into Digital Era. Digital Mogli assures that your website should fulfill all the requirement of visitors. We plan for convert your visitor into customer.
- Integrate Social Media: If your business is not having social medial presence then don’t worry worry we will create it and integrate this in the website. According to recent market survey it has been observed that the business which are having their social presence are gaining 29% more client than who don’t have social presence.
- Integrate call to action: Easy navigation for call to action is the common factor which has been under estimated this should not be done because call to action is the activity by Visitor which we expecting as end result. Digital Mogli notes all the major and minor factors which are going to play key role for your busiess.
- Using right images and content: Before developing any website we understand the business for which we are making website. According to that we write a content for your business and make images relevant to that. Content and images is like protien for your website, it should be unique! We write google friendly content which is easy to understand for user and google.
- Navigation: Navigation is having key role in any website, it work as road map for visitors. We ensures that every website we make should be user friendly and there should not be navigation issues. We fix all the 404 errors at our end before hand overing the website.
- Mobile Optimization: Your website must be mobile friendly because no. of searches from mobile devices is increasing day by day. We make your website complete mobile friendly.
- SSL Integration: We make your website secured that no one can hack this and make misuse the same. We cares about our client. SSL integration will also help in SEO also.
- Update your content for free! We provide free service for 6 months for updating your content in the website. We know that updating content is a little bit tricky for new website that’s why after website development we do this for your convenience.
- Website Speed Optimisation: We optimise your website for the speed because more responsive website is equal to increasing visitors engagements and finally increasing the conversion rate.
- Basic SEO: We make keyword research for your business and according to that we optimise your website for best SEO practices. We ad title, description and keywords at the back end of your website. It will be helpful for search engines like google, bing to understand you business and rank your website related to your services and product queries.
We hope that you all understand the importance of website for your business in the digital era, we have also given some tips related to domain and hosting. Digital Mogli offers best website development services and plans in the market. Just get in touch with us for any requirement of website development and digital marketing.