How To Develop A SEO Friendly Website – Digital Mogli
The importance of Website Development is very high in SEO strategy. Being one of the best SEO company in Pune – Digital Mogli will guide you how to develop seo friendly website. Developing an SEO friendly website is the first step of any digital marketing strategy. Integrating SEO factors into your website will increase your presence on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, and more especially on Google SERPs. As Google generates more than 85% of global organic search traffic, it is important to ease the bot’s job in order to be ranked fast and easily.
Here are some tips to make your website more SEO-friendly:
- Use a short URL structure: First of all, since the URL structure of the seo friendly website might not be your highest priority, it is still very significant. Streamline your URLs so that you have special ones for each page.
- Bypass Plagiarized Content: We will likely never say this adequately but plagiarized content is leading to SEO issues that will punish your rankings specifically when it comes to internal duplicates. Always check for Plagiarized content and even for near-duplicates to keep your SEO top-notch.
- Add an XML Sitemap to the Website: An XML sitemap is a file that includes a bunch of all URLs on your website. This XML sitemap helps search engines bots to understand your website’s structure when they are crawling it. Through sitemap, you can allot priority to the pages on the basis of crawling. It means you can decide which page on your website is important and which is not.
- Optimize Website For All Devices: Your seo friendly website should be compatible with all kinds of devices like Mobile, Tab, desktops, etc. Your website and your content must be optimized for all types of devices that users could use. User experience is very important in website optimization. There are numerous tools that can support you with the mobile-friendliness of your website.
- Use Robots.txt File: It’s completely in your hand which pages of your seo friendly website should be crawled and which shouldn’t be. Through the Robots.txt file, you have the authority to manage. If there are certain pages on your website that you don’t want to be crawled, you can use robots.txt. It will restrict the search engines’ crawlers to the pages that cannot be crawled. Don’t forget to update your robots.txt if you redesign the website.
- Focus on internal linking: Internal linking allows you to build page authority and allows your readers and crawlers to navigate easily within your website. Internal linking helps to optimize your crawl budget. It also helps to engage the users to hold on to the website for a long time.
- Optimize your images: Images are a very important part of your seo friendly website. Most of the time they are neglected when it comes to SEO optimization. In image optimization, you have to reduce the size of the image by maintaining the quality. You have to optimize images for the title, description, and alt tags also.
- Answer to comments: This is a very important factor from an SEO perspective. This shows you are active on your website and you value the reader’s comment and their time. No matter whether the comment is positive or negative you must have to reply them. These kinds of activities create another level of impact on readers and search engines bots also.
- Avoid Keyword stuffing: Keyword stuffing means using your targeted keywords unnecessarily in the content many times. We understand the keywords represent the foundation of the content of your website. But stuffing of keywords can damage your website keyword ranking for sure. The ideal keyword density as per Digital Mogli’s SEO experts is 1-2% only.
- Avoid orphan pages: As Google crawlers will get to know about your newly added pages if you have made proper internal linking. As crawlers follow links when they crawl a website. Make sure that your website should not contain any orphan pages. It will be a complete waste of work if any of your website pages remain orphans or uncrawled.
Digital Mogli For SEO Friendly Website Development
Digital Mogli is one of the best website development companies in Pune. We at Digital Mogli consider all the SEO factors while developing your business website. We take complete responsibility for your all digital marketing activities along with website development, social media marketing, SEO, PPC, etc. Contact us if you also want to develop a stunning website for your business. Call Now on 8668493250 / 9503326451.